Tadashi listened to Reno's words in silence, and kept silence for a while even after: curling up more on the sofa, he brought his knees to his chest, not really caring if his feet were on the sofa, and wrapped his arms around his legs, resting then his chin on his knees. For a long moment he didn't say anything, just thinking: he did trust Reno, even if he didn't like being teased and he was almost sure that, no matter what he would say now, it would sound stupid to the redhead and therefore he would be teased for that... but he also counted on the fact that Reno would keep it for himself (he didn't need to ask, after all it was a delicate subject, that went by itself, didn't it?) and... well, he could get some advice and he could talk... and he needed it. No matter how much he would have liked to go without... He sighed deeply, hiding his face by pressing his forehead against his knees before he finally spoke up "So... uhm... d-do... d-d-do you r-really t-think... t-tha-that..uhm... F-Flynn might l-like m-me... t-too?"